Friday, November 22, 2013

Super heros from the 1850's to now

     A superhero is a fictional character of unprecedented physical prowess dedicated to acts of derring-do in the public interest. Since the debut of the prototypal superhero Lee Falk's The Phantom in the 1936 followed by superman in the 1938, stories of superheroes ranging from brief episodic adventures to continuing years ling sagas have dominated American comic books and crossed over into other media. A female superhero is sometimes called a super heroine.
     1850 the first superhero of penny dreadful, Spring Heeled Jack was first a villain, then as a crime-fighter with a disguised, secret lair, and gadgets, hallmarks of superheroes.
     Superheros from the 1900's to the late 2000's were heros from The Scarlet Pimpernel, John Carter of Mars, Zorro, Dazzler, She-Hulk , War Machine, Hellboy, Orpheus, and many more.
       Superheros has grown very largely over the years where they went from comic books to the big screens. There has been very few female Superheros over the years and I often wondered why?  Is it because if what most have been taught that men were the dominant? Or Is it because women were often told to be the stay at home mom?
         I feel that in today's generation we haven't paid much attention to how old stereotypes still affected us in today's society.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

LADOT Announces Tap Card Design Contest

      As anyone who rides the metro bus or train have learned for the past year and a half metro passes are not given on what they call a tap card. With this card the customer can load an amount of money on the bus or train station to receive services. These boring blue cars that people refuse to purchase only cost two dollars but the look of these cards doesn't read buy me.
      LADOT announched earlier this week a collaboration with downtown Los Angeles gallery row organization to sponsor an artist competition to design the next wave of LADOT Tap smart cards. This design competition is the first of its kind in any major metropolitan area in the world that has a regional smart card system for its public transportation network.
       The theme for card designs is downtown Los Angeles. The deadline for entries is December 18, 2013. Two winning designs will be chosen, and each artist will be awarded a prize of $500 gift certificate to Raw Materials Art Supplies, an art architectural supply store in Downtown Los Angeles.
       I feel that this is a good way to get the community more involved also it gives those very talented people the ability to show there skills. Metro should get on board with LADOT. Customers are already paying two dollars for just the card. Instead, of Metro looking as if they don't care for their customers they should help with encouraging customers to purchase their products.

Friday, November 8, 2013


    A stereotype is a thought that may be adopted about specific of individuals or cetain ways of doing things,but that belief may or may not accurately reflect reality. However, this is only a fundamental psychological definition of a stereotype. Within and across different concepts and theories of stereotyping that provide their own expanded definition. Some of these definitions share commonalities, though each one may also harbor unique aspects that may complement or contradict the others.
      Stereotype content refers to the attributes that people think characterize a group. Studies of stereotype content examine what people think of others rather than the reason mechanisms involved in stereotyping.
        Why do we stereotype?  All stereotypes aren't negative.

Friday, November 1, 2013


        Halloween a contraction of all hallos evening also known as All Hallows Eve, is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows Day. It initiates the dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (Hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departs believers.
         According to many scholars, All Hallows Eve is a christianized feast influenced by Celtic harvest festivals. Typical festive Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, decorating carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.
          Halloween Today does still share those same historical beliefs. When I was much younger I recall going to harvest festivities. Over the years, this day has become more dangerous for parents and kids to enjoy. Even though there are some people who still enjoy and believe in going out and celebrating the evening there are some who take a negative approach foe the night. Those who doesnt celebrate for religious reason believe this is a day of celebrating the devil. Everyone has there own approach on what this day and it's celebrations consist of.
            I hope everyone had a safe Halloween.