A superhero is a fictional character of unprecedented physical prowess dedicated to acts of derring-do in the public interest. Since the debut of the prototypal superhero Lee Falk's The Phantom in the 1936 followed by superman in the 1938, stories of superheroes ranging from brief episodic adventures to continuing years ling sagas have dominated American comic books and crossed over into other media. A female superhero is sometimes called a super heroine.
1850 the first superhero of penny dreadful, Spring Heeled Jack was first a villain, then as a crime-fighter with a disguised, secret lair, and gadgets, hallmarks of superheroes.
Superheros from the 1900's to the late 2000's were heros from The Scarlet Pimpernel, John Carter of Mars, Zorro, Dazzler, She-Hulk , War Machine, Hellboy, Orpheus, and many more.
Superheros has grown very largely over the years where they went from comic books to the big screens. There has been very few female Superheros over the years and I often wondered why? Is it because if what most have been taught that men were the dominant? Or Is it because women were often told to be the stay at home mom?
I feel that in today's generation we haven't paid much attention to how old stereotypes still affected us in today's society.
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